Marine Protected Area (MPA) Planning Tool
Step 1: Introduction

This tool will help you in the process of selecting the most suitable site for a new marine protected area (MPA). You will be asked to select your area as part of a large marine ecosystem, an exclusive economic zone, or an FAO area.

You can then select the species you want to include in your MPA with regard to status of threat, resilience, dependence on the ecosystem, and other criteria.

Based on this information you obtain a map of your area color-coded with respect to the number of the selected species occurring at a certain locality. Click on any spot and obtain the respective list of species with probability of occurrence, plus additional information on the locality.

This tool was developed by the INCOFISH project and improved under EU BON with the continued support from FishBase and SeaLifeBase.

IncoFish    FishBase      SeaLifeBase          AquaMaps

Disclaimer: The MPA Planning tool is incomplete with regards to species. Several of the underlying maps have not yet been verified by experts. We urge you to verify results of this tool with independent sources before implementation. Please send us Comments & Corrections.

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