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Records 1 - 5 of  458      Next page»             Show all records       Sort by: Species Reviewer Date saved Fish Non-fish
Species Reviewer Date Map Last Saved Map Remark Number of good cells available /
used for envelope calculation
Abietinaria abietinaElizabeth Bato2021-10-03 *Lost Pic
expert map
Team reviewed:
Set bounding box to 85°N, 26°S and 127°E and 77°E. Unchecked extended FAO areas. Set map view setting to Both. Predicted occurrences in Hawaii and Polynesia are not... More

Abra albaElizabeth Bato2021-09-08 *Lost Pic
expert map
Team reviewed:
Added FAO area 34. Set bounding box to 72°N, 12°N, 19°W and 62°E. Adjusted min primary production from 0.48 mgC·m-3·day-1 to 0.30 mgC·m-3·day-1 to include the Canary Islands. Adjusted min salinity and max ice concentration from 7.54 psu and 0 to 5 psu and 0.08, respectively to include the Baltic... More

Acanthocardia echinataElizabeth Bato2021-09-15 *Lost Pic
expert map
Team reviewed:
Added FAO area 18 and 21. Adjusted northern and western limit from 72°N and 28°W to 83°N and 127°W, respectively. Adjusted min and max water temperature from 5.5 and 23.06°C to -1 and 27°C, respectively. Modified pref max and max ice concentration from 0 and 0.02 to 0.1 and 0.4, respectively.... More

Acanthodoris pilosaElizabeth Bato2021-10-03 *Lost Pic
expert map
Team reviewed:
Set bounding box to 85°N, 15°N and 180°W and 39°E. Adjusted minimum water temperature from -1.18°C to -2°C. Decreased minimum salinity from 7.67 psu to 6 psu to include the Baltic Sea. Adjusted pref max and max sea ice concentration from 0 and 0.73 to 0.3 and 0.89 to include more of the Arctic. Set map... More

Acanthonus armatusKathleen K. Reyes2020-11-12 *Lost Pic
expert map
Team reviewed:
Batch review. Removed FAO extension rule: if in 77, add 87 (when not in 87).
